Saturday, July 26, 2014

BsAs: Start Winter

Primero, permítanme decir que mi español es mierda.  Todas mierda.  I don't know Spanish any more  than a fifth grader knows physics.  It's strange to say that I love writing so much, and to think that the English language comes easy, and yet, every other language is a stick in the wind to me.

The one thing I've never tried to do, is be something I'm not.  That's a lie, of course.  The last time I did, I ended up with a certificate in Design.  What I'm saying is that usually, I see my weaknesses.  I understand them.  And I rarely try to pursue them.  I'd prefer to chase my strengths.  And so, I'm writing again.  In English, as always.  A siempre.  It was a lonely year on the west coast, and presently, a wild winter in the South, past the equator.  I'm in the Spanish melting pot of Bueno Aires.  Y mi español, mierda.  Yes, it's a pity.

But that's what keeps me focused.

[this is a story about hypocrisy]