Thursday, July 24, 2014

BsAs: Belgrano Afternoon

I better write this down before I forget it.  And as the clouds evidenced this afternoon, things can change in nothing more than a flurry up the stairs at Freddo to the terrace.  Sunny outside to cloudy in the blink of an eye.  Two flights up.  This will be my curse, I'll always wish to have had my camera out sooner.  That and beautiful women.

But ah!  There, like I said.  Things like thoughts are fleeting like the clouds and the sun outside.  So if you want to remember it, write it down.  Guada said, "You can live a different life out here."

And for the first time in a long while I thought to myself, "But I don't want a different one.  I like my life."

I'm not running away, I'm running towards something now.