Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I don’t usually write stuff like this but I felt compelled.

[it's around midnight, and i think i drank coffee a little too late in the evening]

Let me start off by saying that, to me, as someone who sees the impossibility of my single voice instilling any kind of change in the matter, and that being my justification of calling myself an impartial observer of a fucked country on the metaphorical plane of all those stupid cunts that see the check engine light on and feel the transmission chugging, never having gone in for an oil change in their lives and all of a sudden cursing the dealership and the shady salesmen and the automakers and the hot weather and the cold weather and the heavens above aloud and for everyone to hear without once finding fault in themselves, I say the gun laws in this country are atrocious. The second amendment is an old disease-stuffed whore.  It's a relic from a time that does not exist now.  It's purpose was to give the colonials the ability to rise up against taxation without representation.  To take their single-shot, front-loaded muskets, band together and fight oppression and declare freedom in true American hypocrisy while an entire race slaved away under whip and chain, and women were simply subservient baby-making, need-pointing porcelain dolls.

Firstly, if you think you and your band of redneck friends and your small arsenal of obnoxious automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines would even hold a candle to the American military arm, would be much more than cockroaches to a boot, then you're a fucking idiot.  There is absolutely no logical reason why anyone should need or be allowed to purchase or legally own assault rifles or assault shotguns.  Automatic, semi-automatic.  To the lot of them, I shake my head in a mixture of disbelief and national embarrassment.  We're the global idiots.  We’ve got first world digs, with third-world killing lust.

The only thing, in my head, that I see as justifiable is one's want to hunt his or her own food to eat.  Ironically, hunting rifles are the only weapons that even remotely resemble the arms of our forefathers.  Hunting for sustenance is respectable.  You can protect your home with a hunting rifle.  Hell, you can protect your home with a baseball bat and a kitchen knife if you're a man worth the weight of your balls.

That being said, I don't think gun control is the real problem.  I write.  Sometimes maddeningly so.  Why? Am I an employed writer?  No.  Am I paid for these efforts?  Sadly no.  And yet I soldier on.  I write a book.  Then I write another book, and whatever else in between.  I make a sub-par living working for a small family owned retail business in what I guess can be called a labor of love because it's definitely not a labor of financial prosperity.  And I'm okay with that because I know, as is the case with all of us, that I'm going to die.  Perhaps not tomorrow and maybe not for a dozen, two dozen, three dozen years, but certainly I will die.  The fact of the matter is that it could very well be tomorrow, and if it's not absolutely a surprise and instantaneous, then in that flash that I assume always happens in those precious moments before we stop being, I'll see happiness flash before me.  In all the things I did, all the places I had the privilege traveling to, all the wonder I'd witnessed, and I'll smile at the thought of leaving behind this however big body of work of mine that I've tinkered at over my lifetime, and in my head I'll tell myself I'm the next F. Scott Fitzgerald because he died a nothing big, and became a legend, living on past his death.  There's power in that.  It's a driving force, the thought that my name might live forever.

And that's why I must respectfully disagree with the notion that it's the ease with which these psychopaths can get a hold of weapons that is driving them.  If a crazy fuck wants to get his hands on a firearm, he'll probably be able to do it, laws on the books or no laws on the books.  It’s not guns that drive them to kill, although they do make it much easier.

It's our media coverage.  After the killings in Santa Barbara, I can't think of any reason why I'd ever need to know that fuck's name.  And what's more, that's exactly what he wanted.  I haven't watched the video that he supposedly made minutes before his rampage, but I know thousands, most likely millions have.  Why?  Was it a must-see?  Did it bring any kind of satisfaction?

Why do you think he made the video?  His rambling ten-minute manifesto.  You can see it in his eyes, even in that fuck's screenshot that's plastered across newspaper front pages and nightly news programs.  He's either looking at the camera or squinting tight-jawed into the low sun shining on his face through the windshield of his BMW like he's fucking James Dean and no one understands him.  In reality he was just a lazy little shit with the mind of enough to be accepted to UCSB (unless he was going to SBCC, I don't care enough to check) which isn't easy, which is to say he wasn't completely stupid.  Sure, he was a little fucked in the head, probably real fucked in the head, but then again we're all a little fucked in the head.  None of us are clean slates, we all do things irrationally.  His was just to a certain violent extreme.  He was self-centered, probably an asshole, a privileged white boy who expected girls to just magically fall into his lap in college because well, hell, it’s college.  That’s what happens in college right?  And when that didn't happen, it couldn't be his fault.  I mean how could it?

He was friendless I'm guessing, probably watched a lot of television.  I'd bet my life-saving's that he'd played Grand Theft Auto more than once.  He was loner.  He was a loser.  He didn't care about others.  What does someone like that want?  To be noticed, of course.  To be talked about.  Because that's cool, and girls fuck you if you're cool.  And somehow in his fucked up head he valued that over his own life.  I bet he didn't even see it like that actually, one over the other.  All he saw was a grand scheme to get famous, a way to live forever at the petty cost of a few innocent lives including his own.

And so what do we do?  We make him famous.  What kind of message does that send to kids just like him?  And how many more are there?

Just think.  Wouldn’t it be great if his was the last name printed?  His was the last video shown, the last selfie shown, the last scribbling dithering diary read.  I'm sure if he were alive (which he isn't), he would love it of course, but then so too would I, and I'm still breathing.

And the next time this happens, which if history is any indication will be either very soon or within the next year or two, all the headlines will read:


Then maybe the troubled ones will finally get their heroes in order.

Friday, May 16, 2014

One For My Baby

I miss listening to Frank Sinatra like I used to.  That year.  When I think back on it like I do, that year belongs in the dictionary under happiness.  It was a good year, and what's more, I didn't have much and I was happy.  I was happy, I think.  True, maybe I only remember the happy times and the pleasure, bot the bad and the sad times, which may be true, but truthfully, I was happy a lot.  I was sad only sometimes.  There was white light and dark red heartache and so many pleasures that year.

Now there's just an anxious grey.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

It's That Old Familiar Sound

Like an old song that only I remember.
Rushing water, ghetto birds,
Leaves rustled in the wind.

Of this Secret Hideaway...

My mind takes off in a jet plane
While that crosses the sky
Behind my eyes,
Face down
In a towel.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What Is It, This Reason We Are Here?

I guess there isn't any particular reason per se.  Procreation?  Sure, but that's not my question.  Why do we live?  What's the point?

Is it money?  Wealth?  Power?  That's not a reason.  Money and wealth is no excuse to pull your finger off the trigger and let the hammer back.

The point, perhaps, is happiness.  If it's not happiness that you strive for, your just as well lost deep in the Grey Wood, where the only solace among all that accumulated wealth is a shotgun shell.  There's no life force in a dollar bill.  Maybe i what it can purchase in the barest fundamental sense; food, shelter, water, but not in the money itself.  It's empty.

Happiness is everything.  Happiness and awe and wonder.  Learning begets wonder, and in that knowledge is one of the awesome intangibles in life.  Knowledge.  You can't put your hand on it.  Yes, you can pick up books, feel their weight and run fingers down their spines and across their faces, but that's not knowledge.  Knowledge is a knowing, something that does not require a book or website, only needs that to reference.  It's somewhat of a personal ideal.  I know my birthday.  I know my mother's favorite meal to cook for dinner.  I know the light on my street will turn green exactly after the cross-street's turns red.  I know that Paris is the capitol of France.  I know I can ride the trains there without paying.  For the most part anyways.  I know that I run the slight chance of being questioned for a ticket exiting some stations.  I know that when I learn something new a certain feeling washes over me in varying degrees depending on it's gravity.  It's wonder.

And happiness?  I don't know what that is.  Not definitively.  I only know what it feels like to me on those rare occasions that it taps me on the shoulder.  It feels like Tinkerbell dust.  It's a tingling in the skin like a waterballoon about to burst.  It's not a hunger, it's satisfaction.  It's wonder. So pursue happiness, I say.  It breeds beauty.  Travel.  Discover.  Learn.  Fill your life with a feast for the eyes and the mind.  It's not luxury.  That's lazy.  Be happy.  Let go of stress that does not bring that simple reward.  Happiness.

"What a waste," my father said to me.  "What go to college, why go through all that if not to get a job, to start a family, join the workforce.  Why even bother?"

"To learn," I told him.  "It was wonderful."

"Does it haunt you?  To waste all that?"

"The only thing that haunts me is immortality." And in that, I see the temptation of power.  It's recognized.  But so is greatness.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Venus With Mirror

There's vanity mirrors and rear-view mirrors, but they're pretty much both the same thing.  The only real difference is the manner in which you use them, whether it's to see what's behind you or to see yourself.  It's all reflection when you look at it, like really look at it.