Monday, May 3, 2010

Everywhere Feels Like Home

The man sitting across from me curiously chews his salad in step with the LCD Soundsystem song overwhelming my auditory receptors as some people would put it, ginger biology prodigy not withstanding. It's a colorful salad. Does that make it exciting? No. A half-assed lackluster amalgamation of unfresh dining hall options. Does this make him boring? It's certainly not out of the question. He was alone when I happened across his tiny bubble of solidarity in the cozy chairs. And pow pow pow-pow-pow (you know how it goes), he's gone, having left with all the haste and cunning of a woe-be-gone vampire filled to the brim with monotonous teen angst. He even left his salad. How strange. And yet intriguing... They should give him a vampire mini-series on the HBO.  Or maybe Showtime.  Showtime could make it work I bet.