Sunday, September 13, 2015

Man's Rationale

"It's okay, I dated a black guy once.  Well half."

"You half dated a black guy? Did you half fuck him too?"

"I didn't fuck him at all actually."

"Then what's dating constitute? So you got dinner with a black guy once..."

"I was on tour with him for a month and didn't want to fuck him until he could prove that he could stay faithful on tour."

"Gag. I never understood that."


"Why being faithful to someone means you don't fuck anybody else.  Since when?"

"Since forever, idiot. This is why you never have girlfriends."

"Yeah but faithful? Why faithful? Being faithful is to believe in something.  I can still believe in someone and fuck other girls.  I don't believe in them any less.  To be true?  I won't tell lies.  Just don't ask me questions that could hurt you.  Be pain averse.  Believe in me that I believe in you.  It's a two way street, and I don't think sex should necessarily be a part of it.  Relationships centered around sex never work out.  It's the cap to the cookie jar, it's the vinyl record plastic wrap, something to take off first to get to all the sweet inside, all the music and the words and the art and the images and the everything that defines love.  Sex is the latex condom standing in the way.  And I've never liked rubbers."