Wednesday, June 25, 2014


It's said with a heavy sigh, am I right?  Can't stand them.  Can't afford to live without them.  Lucky for me, time ins't money in my line of work.  It's just something I take more of when I travel, and not always by choice.

It's eight hours and change in Lima.  2:00 in the morning to a little past 10:00.  That's plenty of time to sleep.  Comfort's different than time though, and although the time's flooding like spring rivers in the air-cooled terminal, unfortunately the well of comfort for me has run nearly dry.  No full buckets being heaved up here in Peru.  It's understandable.  It's an airport, not a day spa.  And I should've fucking worn higher socks than these Nike dry-fits I have on.  Stupid.  My achilles were freezing through the night as I turned every hour or so on the long sets of seats.  Thank god I brought a sweater.  An a beanie for that matter.  Still, I don't know why I brought two.  Superfluously cautious packing I suppose.

Huevos y toastada pora desayuno.  A Huashcu.  Cafe au leché as well.  I watched Arsenal win the FA (FC?) Championship at 8:00 in the morning.  Was it live?  I don't know.  Maybe a re-run, but still the gold cup.  The celebration.  It's a dreary haze warm up for three weeks from now.  God, I love the World Cup.  

And airport bars.  Hello, Tonya.  Hello, hazel brown eyes.