Monday, June 2, 2014

Blues in the Daylight

Politics light in the broad day bright.  Two politics.  One deficit.

What do I think?

I think we're fucked either way.  With this whole deficit thing, we're fucked, so I'm just not going to worry about it.  Because I know it doesn't really matter to me.  Let the greedy bicker about their money and their world standing and the power of our dollar.  I'm sure if you got a room full of Doctors in Economy and Statistics together to pour over our finances for a week - bathroom breaks only, take-out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, cots in the room to sleep - they could figure it out.  No politicians allowed.

Hell, if they really cared about the country, but understandably can't fathom the idea of campaigns without campaign donations, well, just change the recipient.  Of all of them, those damned donations.  To the country instead of the campaign.  To the US Treasury and to that room of Economists and Statisticians to soundly pour back into their painstakingly precise and concise budget balanced on three pillars of common sense and compassion and fiscal soundness.  

And then the Economists and the Statisticians would start to copulate - it's a co-ed room with, I don't know... room dividers thrown in there.  It's a grand room.  And alcohol is a deliverable service (with discretion, of course, but still, they're Economists and Statisticians.  It doesn't take much.  And they're doing what they love.  Like the Manhattan Project.  Except instead of nuclear physicists, it's Statisticians and Economists).  But no bankers either.  Academic types only.  The college scholars.  The ones not in it for the money.

And then fuck it.  Establish a monarchy of Economists and Statisticians that passes on through some families from the Room.  The country would love them, they'd be darlings, and they would be our teachers and we would be their children.  

That's why a monarchy is better than our oligarchy (that's what it is).  An oligarchy is a business unit.  A monarchy is a family one.