Monday, February 11, 2013

It Came To Me, Like So Many Things

It came to me, like so many things do, in the shower (I need to buy soap).

I was out of soap so I grabbed the only bar in there.  That's the thing with having to share a shower with two other roommates; someone's always got some soap in there, and right now it certainly wasn't mine, not the green bar of Irish Spring that I'd grown so accustomed to.  It was a white bar.  Dove, I think.  There was that moment's pause that comes when you do something you don't agree with, but only a moment's before I just reached down because fuck it, I needed some soap.  All the while someone in my head kept saying, "Are you really that guy? The soap snatcher? You hate that guy. Well, you don't hate-hate him. He's a nuance. He's unprepared. He's absent-minded. Don't be that guy. Don't be the soap snatcher, be the snatch soaper." Well I'll try, I guess.

Then it dawned like a quick sunrise come upon me.  It doesn't matter who I want to be now. It only matters who I am, and more likely than not that being is different in my eyes than it is in others. And maybe how I see myself matter to me, but how I come across to others matters to everyone else.  The world out there don't give a damn how I see myself. For the most part, they only notice my actions. Maybe what I say too, but actions always speak louder.  They always have.  Words can be manipulated, pretenses can be faked, feelings forged and so on.  But the way a man treats those around him tells the most.  That's because it's habit by now.  Instinctual in a sense, and instincts are very hard to break away from.  See, it's not what we believe, but what we do that defines us.  Someone said that, and I remembered.

None of us are as good as we think we are.  I may not think I'm a soap snatcher or an asshole, but I'm beginning to see that the facts state otherwise.  For now anyways.  What's that all the scholars say?  The only constant is change.