Thursday, February 28, 2013

Book of Anthony

The one thing that's always tickled my mind-fingers is correlation; a similar feeling I get sometimes like I've seen this before.  Deja-Vu?  Nope, not quite.  Because it's not the same thing exactly.  It's just similar.  They share certain characteristics.  They share the important ones, the shining ones.  The ones that matter most.  So that when I say Anthony is a prophet, I'm not saying he is THE prophet Isiah or THE prophet Jeremiah come back reincarnate.  It's not like that.  When I was a little kid, reading the Bible like I read everything else, it was what it's always been; a story.  A terrific legend, a journey through thousands of years.  And like any kid, I wondered what these characters would look like if they were here today.  Not transported through time, but if they lived among us.  Presently.  It's that same feeling that took us all to see Jurassic Park, that same question: what would it be like?  Who would they be?  And what would they do?  Maybe it's just all the years of Catholic school catching up and finding a resonance finally, but when I closed his book, finally after three years finished dissecting his mind and life and inner trappings, the first thought that came wafting through the open late morning window was, "Hmm, ,this man is a prophet.  He lived on the lamb, on the fringe, on the edge of what keeps us sane and he preached.  And he wrote and he performed for thousands.  Not for a crop of religious nut jobs, but for the people.  For everyone.  Not thousands, but millions.  And at the time of this scribbling, his Scar Tissue, for this his conscience was clear.  And in his final ode, the last chapter, his moment of clarity, he made me want to be a better person.  Yes, he is a prophet.  Plus I fell asleep high watching Michael with John Travolta last night, but who knows what that has to do with anything.

Be happy, you idiot.