Friday, March 18, 2016

Warbly Barker

And so, like waking up in a bad dream and realizing nothing more than wanting to be unconscious again and away from it all, it's a sunless day on the boulevard.  The sky's a somber gray.  I hope the heavens will cry for me so that no one will notice if I can't help myself.

The movie's just about over, it's just the credits haven't rolled yet and I'm still sitting here waiting to get up and walk out, sitting on a short bench, leaning on a dark wall and just writing in my lap to keep myself sane again.

And ho! What do you know, a kind sparrow gives me hope when I need it the most.  A small sign, small white and dry on my leg by my words.  These Gjelina birds sure are getting their fiber.  Despite everything right now, I have to smile as I flick it away clean like it was never there.  I'm a lucky man.

Don't you forget that through all this.  Look back and see how far she's taken you, see how far you've come, and be thankful.  Be grateful and fill with pride, and never forget what kind of man you want to be.

I feel like a dog at the shelter today.