Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Old Habits

I'm having one of those nights again.  The restless waiting kind, waiting for sleep to come find me and the million thoughts in my head.  When I used to sleep alone with a notebook next to my bed, I'd simply turn over, fumble for a pencil with some lead still in it, and stop waiting.

It's a big word--like "enigmatic"--that only feels proper in describing the sensation, like I could just keep writing and writing and writing until the lead's run out and the sun's come up and the heavy rains are just stains on the walk.  But I won't.  It won't drag on for nearly that long.  Not even close.  

No, not too many words more now.  The pressure's been released just like that.  Life's familiar again.  I have a notebook again.  This is the first writing by hand this year.  The last one's run out of pages months ago and for a while there I lost myself.  I'd forgotten the smell of the pages, the sound of the scribble in the silence.

Like a lullaby.