Monday, December 14, 2015

Hard Leather

Life can't always be a fleeting dream.  There's got to be some living in it as well.  Working.  Hard living.

To see how much you're really worth.  I see that now.  I'm living it.  There's a lot of getting up off the ground, picking yourself up again and such, but it's not a getting your legs swept out from underneath you that gets you there.  It usually doesn't hurt as much as that; more scrapes, less bruises, you know.  What it's really like is like running down a hill on roller-skates.  Yeah, maybe it's not the best idea, but it's a rush sometimes when you're actually scared shitless, and you roll and skid when you hit the ground.  When you get up, you're breathing heavy from the adrenaline, and then you look up the hill and laugh.  And sometimes you hit a brick fucking wall and something breaks.

I wear boots of hard leather now,
but they'll soften in time.

I wouldn't say I've learned much of any importance in my time here except for the fact that moments come and moments pass, but they do not last forever.  And it's wholly up to me what I do with them.

I like to think I'm not wasteful.