Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Girlfriend's Guide

I just spilled, I don't know... maybe a fifth of Ozeki sake.  The whole thing's 180mL, and it comes with a stiff rubber cap, for to-go, I'm assuming.  Oh, Japan.  It's the local ramen house.  I fucking love ramen.

I fucking love sake too, which makes this not so surprising; this isn't my first sake of the night.  I met Claire, per request, at Hama Sushi and immediately ordered a large hot sake.

She was with her friend, and they were already wasted, so I ended up drinking most of it.  Then I drove her home and fucked her while watching the show she produces.  She's a studio exec.  She's a hot mess is what she is right now, but it's fucking sexy.  And I'm madly in love with her.  Nobody's ever loved me like she does.  I care for her more than anything, mainly because she makes me write, and the smell of her puts my heart at ease.


I wanted to feel the violence in the air tonight.

I rode my bike from Claire's down to the ramen house on Main Street
and immediately ordered the Ozeki.
It's fucking windy tonight.
My eyes blink and squint into it while I ride.
Into the debris.
By the streetlights on 4th Street,
I saw the wind.

It was thrashing through the trees.