Saturday, October 3, 2015


The hypocrisy.  I find it somewhat puzzling and quizzical that the those with the most hate in their heart are usually religious.  They float on a cloud of egotistical righteousness through their lives.

Quickly now, before I forget.  We're sending them straight to heaven.

It's funny to think that because of science, the number of souls in heaven severely plummeted.  Children who would have normally died now survive.  Women no longer die giving birth.  It feels terrible to say, but did God not have a plan for them.  A fast-pass to his pearly gates that we've now denied.  In our fear of death.  Our inability to let go.  That's what's changed most, I suppose.  We've all prolonged our captivity in this body, letting our souls mold and sour much past their expiration date.

The devil came to us as power and wealth, and through that we became slaves to his ultimate tool: money.  They are the shackles of modern society.  No one is happy.  There is no peace.

None of the hardliners live like their Saviors.