Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Winter Blacksmith

There comes a time just before winter turns to spring, when the sun's out but the air is still crisp in Venice.  The ocean hasn't quite warmed up just south of the Pier and the water moves quick from the south with the swell, and it comes.  The waves are fun, and one remembers.

It's at this time that perspective comes.  Big picture shit.  Deep breaths and a zen calm.  Purpose.  I know what I want.  And it's not money, it's not financial resolve.  I want to be happy.  I'm not stupid.  And with this many years notched on the belt, I'm pretty sure I have the wherewithall to know how to achieve this.  This happiness.  Or at least I can recognize it within myself.  The simple things that bring rest to my weary soul.  They're at the shop. 

They manifest themselves in the people I'm surrounded with.  And once again, my skin breathes like it had before.  And the tension takes flight, and everything feels right. 

Now that is a feeling of undescribable peace.

Imagine that.

The strength of resolve beating in the chest.  At the core.  The very meaning of existence like a polaroid popped out in my hand.

Simplicity.  Freedom. 

Repeated, over and over and over again in my head, it seems strange.  To say we, each one of us has a purpose.  That we're deemed for something.  That sounds unfounded.  Dreamer mentality.  Excuses.

Fuck it.  Excuse me. 

My soul flowers here.  I'm happy here.  I think that should be enough.

Because some of us are troubadors, some are kings, some are poets, and some of us are blacksmiths.  What did Albert Einstein say about the fish?  It wasn't meant to climb to the tree, or something along those lines.  It loves swimming.  It excels at it.  A real blacksmith loves to work metal, he doesn't despise it.  A real poet loves his verse.  It doesn't push him, it carries him, and it doesn't strain, and the yolk of life is light. 

No it doesn't have to be, but why shouldn't it.  Life's meant for living.  So fuck off and let me write.

That felt good.  This is who I am.  If it's meant for me, it will come.  It always does.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”    ~ Monsieur Einstein