Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Swiss Lecture In The Winter

Matty and I got high before making the trek up to the lecture halls above the co-op.  We biked up to the base of campus and caught the shuttle to the top of Science Hill.  We strolled in through the back side entrance, not the front, two minutes late and thoroughly stoned.

The old Swiss economist had already started his lecture, but only just so.  He was still introducing himself, and I saw his eyes flick to us high up in the back row as we stumbled across to the center.  We wanted good seats.  Hell, I didn't give a damn what he thought about it anyways.  I wasn't even in school anymore.  I just came up to campus two or three times a week to sneak into the dining hall for free food.  And to write.

And apparently I came up to watch Swiss economists talk for an hour as well.  Matty dragged me, I remember.  This was his idea.  The economist told us a story of the end of a global American empire. He sounded hopeful though.  It was fucking fascinating.