Monday, March 24, 2014

My Hands are Shaking

I want to sing like Sondre Lerche.  Or at the very least speak the way his voice sounds.  Wishful thinking, which is one way to live life I guess, thinking wistfully, always wishing if you like.  But be careful.  Too much thinking and wishing gets you nowhere.

Do.  Be.  Try to become.  Whatever it is, however that may be.

And I'm not saying you should, but I do with reciprocity.  I treat others how I'd like to be treated.  Of course, sure.  At first.  It grows with realization though.  I treat people how they treat me.  I mirror, I mime with calculation and tone and temperament.

It's nice.  It's nice to be nice, but there's a little dickish asshole in all of us, and living like this let's me get that out, keeps the ebb and flow, balances the tide and the mind.  It feels good to be a prick sometimes, especially when you're talking to one.

That's why I relish a horn being honked my way.  Because I never honk.  Hardly ever.  But I always honk back, and it makes my day.