Monday, February 10, 2014

Didn't I

"Didn't I treat you right now, baby?"
          (Didn't eyee?)

"Didn't I do the best I could?"
          (Didn't eyee?)

Sometimes I'm not so sure.  Then there are nights like tonight that come by, nothing special in particular.  Just Monday, a school night.  I parked my car at a meter in Westwood.  Class is at 7:00 so I get there at 6:45 and skate in.  The cold dread creeps into me halfway through class is the fact that the streets are metered until 8:00, and i hadn't put any money in.  

I'd just got a parking ticket last week.  And I didn't put my front license on the dash.  I'd just got a ticket for that last week.  "Fucked," were my thoughts.

"Fucked, fucked, fucked."

We had a ten 10 minute break just before 9:00 so I decided with a grimace of ho-hum fuckity-fucked to check on the damage.  It had been $90 last week (not to mention the $35 Ford charged me to put the license plate back on, only for it to fall off again last night somehow).  Fucked.

As I skate up to the old Sport, my heart's dropped even before I've looked at the windshield.  And yet, when I see it, I'm met with ha pleasant surprise.  My car's still there, and there's no ticket on it.  An hour and change and no ticket.  And no license plate.  I put it on the dash for good measure and skate back.  

At the stairwell I whisper "thank you" every step to the fourth floor.  Days aren't so bad all the time.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.