Monday, November 28, 2011

Late Afternoon Paris

[written in cafe by École Militaire on borrowed paper with a borrowed pen.  A blue pen.]

Is this blue?  Lindsay's a blue pen girl.   She's a sucker for hot wine with orange rinds and cinnamon.  And she's a Mac girl, but let's be honest, most girls are.  It's Steve Jobs' uncanny knowledge of the creative feminine and desire, I think.  He was a master.  And what's more, he knew it.  His clutch on the world will never quite let go, not anytime in the foreseeable future anyways.  This world of iPods and iPads and iPhones.  And iTunes.  And the might Apple.  Our generation is his dynasty, and he's not even here to watch us grow.  His old bucket of bones and flesh couldn't carry on with such a life.  The body of a true genius often suffers on it's balance with the mind.  The strong mind.  The strong mind overpowers the body, living through lifetimes, tenfold, who knows, bringing it's physical being along for the ride.  I don't know how he managed on for so long.  What a testament.  But maybe he knew how to carry on.  To endure through the ages so as to make time no gauge of existence.  So precious few have the words that ring through the decades, the achievements that we live by and because of.   There was Edison and his bulb.  There was Gutenburg with his press.  But I think Jobs was the diamond of them all.  Everlasting to another degree.  Because before his departure, he gave us one last creation to remember him by.  A voice with a name.  A faceless feminine of all knowledge, always there for you, to talk to you, to guide you.  And Siri is her nameo.  She's a being of no physical presence.  And still everyone knows her.  Millions talk to her everyday, and she talks to them.  She's getting to know them, like he never could.  RIP Steve Jobs.  Long live the diamond.

It's funny to me to think though, that (if you believe it be like those crazy scientists say) we evolved from much primer animals.  From things having sex in the water to things having sex on land, to things that smelled each other, that relied on the basis of instinct to survive, then began communicating through physical posturing, emotions, and then audio signals, and using tools, and convening and congealing into herds and civilizations and all the in-between's and mistakes along the way.  Curious that Siri should begin with civilization at her fingertips, our tools are her tools, our questions are her concern.  And she's evolving back the way we came maybe.  Or MAYBE these hot wines with cinnamon and orange rinds are just too AMAZING.