Monday, October 3, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet

Why are we so pathetic?  You can't simply march back and forth and sit around "in protest".  That won't enact change, you idiots.  Especially in this day and age.  It's a spectacle, nothing more.  Someone needs to speak out, strong-voiced and sincere.  Someone needs to rise above the clamor and raise an impassioned call to action.  That's why I've always seen protesters as a bunch of fuckin' idiots. And I've come to love the word idiot as well, mostly due in part I believe to my dear friend Boom, that idiot.  It's blunt and to the point and kind of just rolls off the tongue to aptly describe such denizens.  Those human road blocks, chanting their pithy slogans, and holding their signs with quotes from some old movement on them.  But to what avail?  To incite anger?  Check.  Cause a bother?  Check again.  Annoying?  Definitely.  But if that's all you've accomplished, you haven't really accomplished anything now have you.  Is there no one in that crowd to speak out?  (I guess there is, but still.)