Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Article: RipCurl Surf Outlet

When people think of westside Santa Cruz surfing, their minds jump to O’Neil, Hotline, and the Haut Shop, the Arrow shop… but there is another.  Located at the corner of Bay Street and Mission Street, the Rip Curl Surf Outlet is a relatively new addition to the Westside shop scene, having opened only four years ago.  Rip Curl has gone through a hazing of sorts if you will.  It’s had a brick or two thrown through the front window in its day.  “You got to understand, man.  This isn’t a local shop. It’s a corporate chain, and that doesn’t really go over well sometimes with some people.  I don’t let it bother me.” 

That’s Mike, one of the supervisors at Rip Curl.  He’s been working at the shop, on and off, since its opening.  So what’s the difference between working at a surf shop and a surf outlet? “Not much really.  Except everything’s on SAAAY-EL!! It’s a pretty sick little place,” he explains laughing. 

Looking around the stained-wood walls, there are definitely a lot of things on sale.  They’ve got everything from flannels to wetsuits discounted, and even a number of the new boards.  Erica Kohler, a sophomore at UCSC can’t get enough of it.  “Oh, I love this place.  Everything’s so cheap!  And everyone who works here’s so mellow and pleasant to talk to.  And every weekend they have that tent sale thing in the parking lot.”

If you’ve ever driven down Mission on a weekend, you know exactly what tent sale thing Erica’s talking about.  There’s usually a shop grom sitting under the tent with his sunglasses on surrounded by racks of discounted wetsuits and sale-priced Rip Curl surf swag, and maybe you think he’s asleep.  “He’s not asleep, or at least he shouldn’t be,” Mike jokes.  “I’ve had my fair share of shifts under the tent, and I know how it is.  You get really good at looking asleep, but you’re always so happy when someone comes and talks to you.  So just go talk to him next time.”  It’s a deal.  “And if he doesn’t say anything, just give him a little tickle under the chin.” He’s all smiles, and requested a few parting words:

“Yeah, if you’re looking for some sweet surf gear, or if you just want to hang out and watch some surf movies slash hear my epic jokes (they’re ok), come on down and get you some.”

All in all, the Rip Curl Surf Outlet is a super friendly, mellow shop.  And if you’re looking for a good wetsuit, some cheap clothes, and some good conversation on the Westside, it’s definitely a spot to check out.  Rip Curl Surf Outlet is located on the corner of Bay and Mission, and it holds open store hours from 9:00am – 7:00pm daily.

Mike’s Steez

Movie Most Likely On: Modern Collective
Song Most Likely On: probably something by Kid Cudi
Favorite Joke: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick…